Our Pollinator’s Garden is now almost complete, as volunteers from Garden Club, Growing Ability and our Sunday sessions planted up the new raised beds with pollinator-friendly planting over a couple of weeks in June. The plants were chosen from the RHS Perfect for Pollinators list to provide year-round flower for hungry bees, hoverflies and butterflies. As well as well-known summer-flowering favourites like Lavender, Rosemary and Cranesbill Geranium, we have used winter-flowering plants such as Winter Honeysuckle: Lonicera fragrantissima, and Christmas Box: Sarcococca humilis, to provide a source of nectar for pollinatos in the winter months. The last minute addition of some pollinator plants grown from seed by Growing People including native superstar Viper’s Bugloss, filled the gaps in the young planting scheme, which was designed by members of our Garden Committee. Just awaiting the pergolas now so we can plant the climbers and finish the scheme!