Sponsor our appeals

There are many ways you can support our work:

Donate to the Growing Ability Outings and Raised Beds Appeal!

Every six months or so our Growing Ability gardeners like to organise a trip to somewhere special and inspiring, and this year they’d like to go to Jordans Mill. We are also fundraising to buy a couple of raised manger beds which are accessible for people with mobility issues.

  • £50 will buy one third of a raised timber manger bed
  • £20 will buy a taxi fare from Biggleswade Station to Jordans Mill
  • £10 will buy two bags of peat-free compost for a raised bed
  • £5 will buy a return rail fare from Hitchin to Biggleswade
  • Our target amount is £700 to cover three raised beds, and one trip for all our gardeners. Please donate herethank you!

£245 pays for one person with anxiety or depression to attend a six week New Shoots programme


£195 pays for one Growing Ability half day session helping up to eight ‘gardeners’ with additional needs


£120 pays for one session of Friday or Sunday Garden Club which are free to attend


£115 pays for one Triangle Tribe bushcraft evening, assuming £80 in attendance fees have been received (total cost £195)


£95 pays for one Family Forest School morning, assuming £70 in attendance fees have been received (total cost £165)


£70 pays for the hire of half Hitchin Market Place to run our annual Apple Day (special charity rate from Hitchin BID)


£50 pays for an 85L galvanised steel wheelbarrow with pneumatic tyres from Brookers


£40 pays for 5 bags of peat-free multi-purpose compost

Our charity wishlist

For a list of other items we need, please have a look at our Charity Wishlist