Get Involved as a Company

Will your company join us as a Triangle Garden Sponsor?

The Triangle Garden’s work in the community, particularly with adults with learning disabilities, leads to more healthy, active, aware and fulfilling lives. We help the people we work with to ‘connect, grow and enjoy’.

We actively encourage local companies, who share our ethos and want to give back to their communities, to support our work by joining our corporate sponsorhip scheme.

Becoming a Triangle Garden Sponsor allows you to support us at a level appropriate for your business (Platinum, Gold, Silver or Bronze) and as a company making an annual qualifying donation to charity, the amount paid each year can be set against profits for Corporation Tax purposes.

Being a Triangle Garden sponsor can form part of your corporate social responsibility programme and offers considerable local PR and marketing benefits by association with such a well-loved and media-active local charity.

But above all, signing up to our sponsorship programme, shows your commitment to supporting your local community, in particular those with a learning disability.

Joining us is simple: find out more about the scheme via this downloadable pdf Triangle Garden Corporate Sponsorship or contact us for more details.

In return for your support we will display your company logo on our homepage, in our monthly e-bulletins and in our Get Involved webpages (depending on your level of sponsorship), with a link to your company website. We will also send you a certificate to display your association with the Triangle Community Garden in your place of work and can supply a Triangle Garden Sponsor button link to display on your website to demonstrate your commitment. Discounts on Triangle Garden volunteer opportunities for your staff are also available.

Please pledge your support and become a Triangle Garden Sponsor today!

Here are some of the projects that couldn’t survive without extra support and here’s why:

At Growing Ability our horticulture therapy project for adults with additional needs, the costs are partly covered by attendance fees paid by Herts County Council Adult Social Care, either directly or from our gardener’s personal budgets. Since austerity hit, council budgets have been slashed and there is no longer enough money to go round. There is therefore a significant funding gap between what we receive and what it costs to offer a person-centred service to the staffing ratios required. Cutting quality or paying our staff below a living wage is a non-starter for us (we are a regulated service under contract to HCC). Hence the need for top up funding either through grants, donations or CSR. Without your help we could not survive!

For our Triangle Tribe and Family Forest School projects it costs twice as much to run these as we can recoup in attendance charges. If we charged what it costs to run them, nobody would be able to afford to come. We apply regularly for grants to support his work but we are not always successful (the climate is harsh at the moment with only 1 in 10 applications succeeding) so CSR help is really valuable.

£1000 (our platinum sponsorship donation) would cover the shortfall on 6 months of one of these projects. A £2000 donation would mean we could brand the project with your logo for the entire year!