There are many ways you can support the work we do at the Triangle Garden, either as an individual or as a organisation.
A monthly donation of as little as £2 can make a huge difference if enough people donate!
Make us your charity of the year and help us support more people in need
Find out how your business could make a real difference to our valuable work
Check out our appeals page to see what we’re fundraising for and how you can help
Play the North Herts Community Lottery – buy tickets from our page and we get 50%, plus 10% goes to other local good causes
Buy our delicious apple juice at Webb’s of Hitchin, the greengrocers, at 36 Churchyard Walk, Hitchin SG5 1DW.
Set yourself a challenge, hold a coffee morning, organise a sponsored litter pick…
Every time you shop online through Give as you Live, a free donation is made to us and it doesn’t cost you a penny!
Leave a gift in your will to help the Triangle Garden grow and flourish for years to come