Our projects are funded in a variety of different ways:
Growing Ability is funded mainly through attendance charges paid by the attendees. Individuals attending these projects may pay out of their personal budget allocations from Adult Care Services, or from their personal finances, or a combination of the two.
Due to government austerity measures Herts County Council has committed to halve the hourly rate they were previously willing to pay for commissioned social care. These cuts will have a significant effect on our current income stream.
None of our projects receives any direct ongoing funding from local or central government or from charitable grants, although we do secure one-off grants for specific equipment, new projects or project development from time to time.
We are therefore always looking for financial help to keep our projects going.
Our other community projects: our Garden Clubs, New Shoots, Family Forest School, Triangle Tribe, the Forest Garden, the Triangle Garden, our workshops and other initiatives are funded through a combination of the following:
- fundraising through events
- income from hiring the Pavilion
- one-off grant applications
- donations including our Friends group
- company sponsorship
- attendance charges