There are many roles for ‘behind the scenes’ volunteers at the Triangle Garden. The work we do is varied and wide-ranging, and we work in active friendly teams to make things happen. This is how the work is split:
- Garden Group: this small friendly band steers the design of the Triangle Garden and its Forest Garden, plans their management, and helps to create resources for group visits, etc. Meets once every 6-8 weeks.
- Events and Publicity Group: this active go-ahead committee has a lot of fun planning and coordinating our community events and workshops, while also ensuring they are well publicised. Meets once every 4-6 weeks usually from February to October.
- Funding Group: this is a group which helps to secure additional funding for our projects by researching funding opportunities and writing bids. Meets as required.
- Community Outreach Group: takes on new projects that connect with the community eg it researched and launched the Friday Garden Club and our community mosaic project. Meets monthly when a project is being initiated.
- Trustees: our trustees are responsible for the direction, policy making and financial monitoring of the organisation and meet 6-8 times a year. Each trustee takes an active role in at least one of the groups above and below and feeds back to the trustee meetings on progress against goals and aspirations. Trustees are also responsible for the recruitment and performance management of the Project Manager. We usually have between six and nine trustees, including a Chair, Vice chair, HR advisor and Treasurer. Every year after our AGM, the trustees hold a half-day strategy day, open to all. We welcome new trustees and offer training to help them carry out their role effectively. We are currently looking for new trustees.
- Premises and Safety Group: looks after the management of the Pavilion and its lettings, and monitors safety across our sites. Meets twice a year, or as necessary.
- Finance Committee: budgeting, forecasting and accounting. Meets quarterly.
- Personnel Committee: looks after anything related to staff and volunteer conditions. Meets quarterly.
Please contact us if you would like to join one of our groups.