A combination of lovely weather and the hard work and enthusiasm of our wonderful volunteer team, ensured that a great time was had by all at our annual Open Day and Fun Dog Show on 7th June.
The day kicked off with a relaxed family-friendly cycle ride from 11am-12.00, starting from Ransom’s Rec and led by a trained ride leader from the local Cyclists Touring Club.
After a short burst of carnival percussion by local band Garden City Samba, visitors were treated to a brilliant Dog Agility Demo by the Graveley dog training team: Barking Mad, which included a chance for onlookers and their dogs to have-a-go afterwards. Other attractions included a ballet demonstration by the Vickie Lesnick School of Ballet, and a Rio-style parade and audience-participation session by Garden City Samba.
As well as offering visitors a chance to look around the Triangle Garden and see the new improvements to the central meeting space and community mosaic, the event raises awareness of the work that we do with adults with learning disabilities, and supports the Triangle Community Garden and its projects. Many of the plants for sale at the plant stall had been lovingly nurtured by our Growing Ability gardeners, as had the rhubarb that went to make the jam on sale.
Families were spoilt for choice for fun activites, including veggie sculpture for kids, a nature trail, pond gazing, welly-wanging, wet sponge stocks, giant jenga, facepainting, a mosaic demonstration by local artist Jane Visick, and the appearance of Hitchin Hackspace’s ‘Big Hak’ batt-car. Culinary delights included cakes, cream teas, a barbecue and Asian vegetarian food..
The event also embraced the local dog-walking community of Ransom’s Rec by hosting a Fun Dog Show: classes include Waggiest Tail, Handsomest Dog and Best Child Handler and proceeds from the dog show go to the greyhound rehoming charity GRWE. Thanks go to local practice Berry House Vets for donating the rosettes and prizes.
“The idea of this event is to bring everyone who uses the park together to have fun, eat and drink together and enjoy all sorts of outdoor silliness, in aid of two very good causes, GRWE and the Triangle Community Garden.” said organiser Vicky Wyer.