As soon as he heard of the damage that had been inflicted on our Pollinator’s Garden, Bearton Ward Labour Councillor Ian Albert offered to contribute to the replacement planting costs.
Although Cllr Albert voted against the Conservative Councillors’ proposal to award themselves a pay rise, when the motion was carried, he decided to accept the extra allowance and use it to benefit community groups in the area.
We are therefore the lucky recipients of a small donation to cover our replacement planting costs. We’d like to take this opportunity to thank Cllr Albert and all the other people who came forward to offer their sympathy and support.
For all those who feel they’d like to contribute to the financial sustainability of the Triangle Garden and its valuable work, please consider joining our Friends Group. Friendship costs just £2 a month and makes a real difference to our financial stability, our ability to plan ahead and being able to afford those little extras that really make a difference – find out more here.