Groundwork UK to treble Triangle Garden Treasured Spaces fund!

Groundwork UK have just announced that they will treble the £5000 we raised this summer for our Treasured Spaces Appeal where previously they had agreed to match and double the money. So where before we had £15,000 to invest in our refurbishments of the Triangle Garden central meeting space, we now have £20,000. The refurbished … Read more

Hitchin’s Apple Day a huge success for Triangle Garden

This is the 11th year that the Triangle Garden has held thier Apple Day in the Old Market Place in the centre of Hitchin. As well as  our own stalls selling apples, apple juice and apple cakes, we had local apple expert Mike Clark from Tewin Orchard on hand to identify people’s apples, brought on … Read more

If you go down to the Rec today…

Teddies of all shapes and sizes gathered at Ransom’s Rec last week in their finest picnic outfits to be given prizes by the Triangle Garden judges at our latest fundraiser. Also up for judging were an assortment of delicious cakes submitted to our Heritage Bake Off competition – almost all of which were kindly donated … Read more